Monday, July 29, 2013

LAUNCHPAD, Your 1500VP 1st Month is HERE

So I made a post of the SFI LAUNCHPAD, half of it that is, in my previous post. Here's the other half. Been busy lately with fishing and all, add to that the fact that I had to tend to my day job as well. So here goes.

16. - On this launchpad you'll be enlightened about the fact that a lot of of people can make real significant income at SFI. That said, there are also a lot of people joining SFI who despite themselves and the opportunity presented to them won't take action. But don't let them get you disappointed, there are billions of internet users around the globe whom you can find and interest in becoming active in SFI, positive attitude gets you closer to success than most of these
 so called "tire kickers".

17. - When you reach this LAUNCHPAD, you have by now, realized that to profit from this program you need people, active affiliates, whom you are willing to mentor and teach the duplication process. To make your affiliates duplicate what you have done to get to where you are, you need to communicate with them. Go ahead and follow this launch pad and you'll find proven ways to make duplication work for you.

18. - So you have a business online, to start with, the internet industry is so huge that, like any industry, scams and racketeers abound. In that sense you are made aware by everyone you know to be careful about doing online transactions. I know, I've been scammed online too. I wouldn't transact with someone who is wearing a mask either... Upload a proper photo of your beaming face, it not only make people feel comfortable about dealing with a real person but it also proves that you are serious and have faith in your business.

19. - You are active with SFI, and you really believe it will make you income. But the question is HOW MUCH??? Answer is, A LOT, a lot of mullah but of course you have to put in effort, time and some investment. You wouldn't be thinking that to run a business you won't be spending for utilities and rent!! Online business is the same you do need some investment, that maybe a few tens of dollars or hundreds if wish to accelerate your business growth. You don't necessarily need to put money into these program, but if you don't then your business growth will be significantly slower. Read on the LAUNCHPAD, you'll have a better understanding of leveraging when you're done.

20. - Running business means checking your office daily, your office in SFI is your affiliate center, your alerts, news and streams can be accessed from there. By being informed daily about the goings in your business you become smarter businessman. Knowing what goes in your business, let's you make and figure new strategies to improve. Here goes a LAUNCHPAD about that.


21. - Let's face it, even the veterans in SFI admits they still go back to the basics once in a while, so that means for the most of us who are relatively new and new to SFI we need training. We're in luck because SFI provides hundreds of dollars worth of training for FREE. Yup we are provided with free training. Visit this launchpad to know more about. Don't forget to answer the quiz at the of the lesson to collect your 15 VersaPoints.

22. - SFI is one of the handful of companies and affiliate program wherein the founder is around each day to help and answer your questions directly. At SFI you have a question, you can get a direct answer from the founder himself, Gery Carson. That is a testament that SFI is here to stay, in fact it's been on here since 1998. SFI is REAL, SFI pays real CASH. 

23. - As with any real and lasting affiliate program, there is always a community of affiliates whom you know are ready to share and help out with tips and suggestions. Visit the SFI forum section under your support tab and brainstorm with other affiliates. Browse the forum for helpful ideas, you'll find most relevant discussions there. This LAUNCHPAD is about that and more so do read it and learn from it. 

24. - At SFI you can connect with other affiliates, this is called "a2a". It's the social networking of the program, share ideas on streams and send messages which you normally won't be able to do outside your team mail. 

25. - Of the many ways to sponsor an affiliate, e-cards are one of the easiest to send. Send to your close friends, family, colleagues. Or if you have an email list send theses e-cards  to all. Just make you don't overdo it otherwise your messages will end up in SPAM and THAT we don't want to happen and isn't allowed by SFI.

26. - Every effort, time and investment you put in will be rewarded, so the more the better and that goes the other way too. You see in SFI, your residual income comes after you have made the necessary steps. It's not a "get quick rich" rich thing, you can get rich with it though. And there are no limitations as to how high you can go. Learn the RANKS and how it relates to income on these LAUNCHPAD.

27. - After all the efforts, you'll of course be waiting for the rewards. Now we're talking money, that means you have to have a payment option with SFI. There are many ways to get paid but the best and most convenient is by getting the TRIPLECLICKS Matercard, you can use to withdraw funds in any local currency you prefer. You can even use to pay for your online purchases. Read on about it on this launchpad.

28. - Success in SFI doesn't happen "by chance" it is based on rules, the SFI RULES of SUCCESS. Learn them all, apply them into your online business and you'll have started your way to success.  

29. - So you are almost done with your first month in SFI, have reached the rank of Executive Affiliate and is wondering how will you get the 1500 VersaPoints for next. LAUNCHPAD is a one time action and so are some of the other tasks that offer free VersaPoints. These is where the doers are separated from the "tire kickers".  Make a Standing Order of at least 1500VersaPoints and you will maintain your Executive Affiliate Rank and that entitles you to the other benefits and more income with SFI. Remember that you need to have a minimum of 1500 VersaPoints each month, we'll here's the easy and quick way to do it.

30. -  So you've finally made it to the end of the month, learned SFI and is excited to put your IM skills to proper and effective use. Congratulations and let the fun and earning  BEGIN!!!

This post combined with the previous ones will total your VersaPoints to 1215 VersaPoints. you should be able to get the remaining 285 VersaPoints easily and will show you on the next post.

If you haven't signed up for an SFI account do it here!